Our Growing Practices

Growing food presents an endless stream of decisions to make about how to grow food in ways that are good for our bodies, good for our planet and allow us to succeed as a small farm. While we are not an organically certified farm, we do use many organic processes in our operation. 

Interested in learning the ins and outs of our growing practices? Keep reading! 

Soil is the heart of a farm as it provides so much of what our crops need to thrive. We use organic fertilizers, mineral amendments and compost to keep our soil healthy and thriving. During the off season, we also plant cover crops to support soil health.

To keep pest and disease damage under control, we use a process of careful seasonal crop rotation. This helps prevent pests from building up year after year. We are also constantly on the lookout for signs of disease to catch any issues before they get too bad. When necessary to prevent devastation, we treat our crops using OMRI-certified sprays which are plant, fungal or bacteria-based and target specific pests. 

We cultivate our fields by tractor and keep weeds in check using an eco-weeder, flame weeder and our trusty hands! 

To keep our crops sufficiently moist, we water using overhead irrigation which assists in the germination of some crops while reducing plastic waste and manual labor time. This also allows us to cultivate by tractor. Our water reel handles the larger sections of watering and we use drip tape for our trellised tomatoes as overhead watering on tomatoes can lead to fungal diseases. 

Finally, we source non-GMO and organic seeds whenever possible. 

If you’re ever interested in learning more about our growing practices, feel free to ask us!